As a sports fan it is getting more and more frustrating and much harder to actually follow the games that are being played on the field without being subjected to the constant distraction of all the off field problems that accompany our sports teams in this day and age. Sports shows begin numerous broadcasts with lead stories concerning steroids, DUI's, sibling assaults, gun possession, club fights,and even murder. Game action and strategies become a backdrop for these reports. News is news no matter where we find it and athlete's crimes are after all more newsworthy then the final score of their games. That will never change, but the rub here for me is the focus on what's really important. Right now the big story is DeSean Jackson's alleged involvement with the gangs in LA. The media's focus was not about the issue of gangs and the connection and influence they have with many of our major sports leagues, NBA ,NFL, etc. which is a serious problem, it was on the fact that DJ was somehow a victim because people were not rushing to his doorstep to resign him. Are you kidding me. Let me make sure I understand this, DeSean has a history of gang related problems and is released from the Eagles because of it and then is rewarded with a 24 million dollar contract from the Redskins. Who says crime doesn't pay. The Media is only outraged because they don't understand how a talented player no matter what his sins are isn't idolized and rewarded with money. Athletes have always been given special treatment, in local sports, College and the Pros. They are our modern day gladiators and role models. But when we honor the thugs and criminals that are playing our games we have lost our way. How did our standards as a society ever get this twisted, and we wonder why our kids don't get it...
Building a sports franchise into a championship caliber organization is a challenge not unlike any other corporation trying to get to the top of the heap. It's sales revenues and market share are directly related to the quality of the product that they're trying to market, just like any other corporation the direction the company's headed in is imperative for people to understand before they commit their time and money to the company's future. A confusing mission statement is never a good thing for a company to try and sell to the public but that's what the New York Jets are constantly trying to do. Over the last few years the Jets quarterback position has been a constant abyss of clarity and player development proving that their head coach at the very least is quarterback challenged in his skill set. The Jets completely mismanaged Mark Sanchez's career and then proceeded to parade in every possible option including the less than functional Tim Tebow to further confuse the situation. but wait there's more, in the off season they drafted a quarterback and with a simple draft choice created an instant quarterback controversy that would have lasted all year except for the actual benefit of Mark Sanchez getting injured. If this was a divorce Sanchez could sue the Jets for lack of child support. By signing Michael Vick they have created a second and more dramatic quarterback controversy again. Maybe the front office and the head coach believe that constant turmoil and chaos on a team is good for morale and the most functional way to build a champion. Successful teams do not strive to get the back pages of newspapers with controversy, they strive to make the headlines with their deeds. Great organizations are built on stability, predictability and making wise decisions when tough decisions need to be made. True leadership is recognized by clarity of judgement, strength of conviction, and commitment to excellence and execution. It seems like the Jets front office has never read a book with any of these definitions in them. Congratulations New York Jets your not "going to Disney World" you are Disney World.