Spygate, Playgate, Deflategate, what's next. It really doesn't matter the die has been cast. Love em or hate em the New England Patriots have managed to permanently label themselves as cheaters. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Is Belichek a great coach yes is Brady a great quarterback yes.Their resumes say so , they stack up to other NFL Dynasties very nicely thank you. Belichek manages the hand he is dealt better then anyone else has, and Brady would be a star in any era. They don't trash talk and they carry themselves the way that professionals should. I get that and I respect that,but then there's the dark side. There is a dent in their armour and it can't be repaired. Too many incidents to many questions , people and players in the league don't trust them or respect them. Its really sad that an organization that's been this successful will be thought of by many fans only as cheaters. Not the legacy anyone would want. Have other teams in all sports pushed the envelope sure and that dynamic will continue, and that doesnt make those teams any better than the Patriots. In most areas of life business, politics, entertainment, sports, it's good to be the leader of the pack.....But not in cheating.