Sunday, May 24, 2015
Winners Never Quit

Wouldn't It Be Nice
What does it say about a Society where no one is accountable or guilty of anything, and the guilty party becomes the accuser. Spin, spin and more spin. GUILTY rule 101 when you are caught claim Foul and accuse the law of being unfair. GUILTY rule 102 explain that you are not the only one who is perpetrating the crime, as if that makes it okay. Deflategate is just a symptom of our societies decay. No one is ever guilty anymore. It's always someone else's fault, or I had a good excuse, or I didn't know better etc. She made me mad so I hit her, it's not my fault. He pushed me so I shot him, it's not my fault. I needed the money so I stole it, it's not my fault and on and on. And politicians are worse . The great host of Meet The Press, Tim Russert wrote a book about being a parent, and in it he stated that the hardest thing to teach your children is accountability. How to be responsible for your actions and to really understand right from wrong. I'M LUCKY my kids get it they learned well, but there are millions of adults in today's world that don't get it. Brady' s agent says the problem is the NFL is on a conspiracy laden witch hunt. Of course they are they want nothing more than to tarnish their brightest star yeah right. What a moron Yee is, oh wait a minute I get it, he's knows that's ridiculous but it deflects the limelight away from Brady. Maybe he's not a moron. GUILTY RULE 103 if you are guilty and can't hide change the argument...politicians learn this tactic very quickly. The bottom line here is that getting away with something doesn't mean you weren't guilty; and despite evidence to the contrary in today's world the ends still don't justify the means. Did Brady do the deed of course he did anyone who has any insight about this matter would concur. Brady won but at what cost, his reputation and credibility will never be the same. Many people will always hate him. For those who want to try to defend him please get some help. What's really sad is that it took 3 months 243 pages of documentation and lots of money to do the dance. Tom Brady is not the first or will he be the last person that will ever push the envelope, cheat, or lie about something in life, but wouldn't it be nice if he started a new trend in society and became accountable for his actions. Well we can all dream can't we?
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