The Mets and their fans truly deserve each other, they are a constant study between euphoria and hysteria. This has always been their history, maybe this is what a lack of success over a long period of time creates in people. Regardless of the reason it's what this franchise's character has become and probably always will be. In 1962 when the Mets were formed they were an expansion team compiled of the lowest common denominator of players you could find. Castoffs, aging veterans, and just plain bad players, 100 losses a year was commonplace. Any success they ever had in the early years truly was a miracle. If you rooted for the Mets from the beginning the current status of bipolar behavior is something you got used to early on in your fandom. Maybe the worst thing that could have happened to them was their miracle win in 1969, as great as it was for their fans and the City of New York it truly was an illusion as far as any future success being a real option for them. As I've stated before the Mets as a franchise have been the prototype of dysfunction, bad signings, bad drafts, tight purse strings and just bad play. All leading to a tremendous lack of success over the years. Their lifetime franchise winning percentage is somewhere around 450%, not the formula for hanging pennants on their walls. If I sound like Mr Scrooge I apologize as a lifelong Yankees fan I've grown up with a different mindset. Obviously all those World Championships help when you're trying to get through the lean years, and the Yankees have had long stretches like that themselves. They went from 1965 to 1976 without a playoff appearance, and then from 1981 to 1996...15 years of lackluster performance. But even so Yankee fans never lost their perspective about expectation, performance and what was real about their team. I'm truly glad for the Mets and happy for all of their long suffering fans. It's obvious they have a pretty solid team but it's also obvious that they played in a terrible division with three of the worst teams in all of baseball rounding out the bottom of their division. There's no question the strength of schedule and the failure of the Nationals who everyone expected to run away with the division contributed to this success. Be that as it may, they deserve to be where they are, they are an exciting young team, their fans have waited a long time and they are obviously enjoying their success. But it's hard to accept the skewed media coverage and euphoria about something that became inevitable almost 2 months ago with their strength of schedule, and the Titanic like performance of the Nationals. The Mets finally got it right, did what they had to do at the trading deadline picked up a real stud for the stretch run, and as it usually does when teams get it right they ended up with a Division Title.Championship teams learn to expect championship type performances and every year offers an opportunity to back up that mindset. The Mets are new at this and can be excused for their euphoria, but performance and expectation are the ingredients for long-term success. One day maybe the Mets and their fans will learn this concept the way they should, by expecting performance not praying for it. Then maybe they won't feel like little brothers to the Yankees. Boston did it and they suffered longer than the Mets, be that as it may, congratulations to the Mets. The playoffs start soon and the Mets have a chance for a deep run, hey it may be another Miracle you never know "you gotta believe"...

It's the time of year when baseball fans either celebrate or mourn the passing of another season without a championship. After six months of competition and thousands of games the field has been whittled down to a precious few teams that can now play for a ring. For a baseball fan every day is a chance to cheer, root, cry and yes even suffer at times. Baseball is as much a religion as it is a game, and once it grabs your soul you have a friend for life, for better or for worse. Truly a timeless relationship, and a better friend can never be found. As I've said before baseball marks the time and people remember lifetime moments around moments in baseball. The journey is as much a part of baseball history as the championships that teams play for. The novel of a season is built every week and every month with a chapter that differs everyday. The magic of baseball is always with us. How many times have we seen endings of games and other moments that Hollywood could never even write because people would never believe it. Every year is different and this year in New York was truly unique, both New York teams made a run and eventually got to the playoffs.The Mets rewarded their long suffering loyal fans by winning a Division Title, and with their young guns on the mound may make winning Titles a habit. The the other New York team may have even accomplished more based on expectation. The Yankees overcame an injury riddled starting staff, and won with a great bullpen, veterans playing up to form, and a youth movement that came in to save the day as the season wound down. The playoffs lay ahead along with great hope and expectation. It's an axiom of all sports that only one team will win it's last game, but the memories will last, and the journey will be remembered... "Baseball marks the time"....