Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Locked And Loaded

Professional sports has always been an  escape for all of us, its been an arena for all of us to forget our daily troubles and fantasize about being the hero of the day. As as we have seen Sports has become more and more about drug use, gun violence, assault charges, broken contracts, trash talking, and other illegal activities making it more about our society's problems then actual wins and losses. The topic of the day and what seems to be a perpetual obsession with this subject is steroids in baseball, we have been talking about it for a number of years at this point, but there are actually bigger problems than that in sports. The NFL the originators of steroid use, and who have managed beautifully to erase that fact from their history, have a much bigger and more deadly problem than any sport has ever faced. GUN USE...Gun violence in the NFL has become epidemic. It seems that having a gun is a must in the NFL...A right of  passage. No gun no fun. Most of the time the players guns are not even legally owned. The violence and deaths caused by these gun owning players and other arrests for assault, rape etc. have made the NFL's logo in some circles stand for National Felony League. Aaron Hernandez's arrest for murder is just the latest example of violent crimes committed by  NFL players. Not long ago the Cincinnati Bengals in one season had 11 players arrested on felony charges. Since the end of the 2013 season 28 NFL players have been charged with felonies. Unfortunately many of the crimes that these players commit are murder. Just ask OJ, Ray Lewis or Jason Williams to name a few. Wife beatings, assaults and rapes only add to the problem. The problem may start as early as when these players hang out with gang members while playing in the league, or come from that background originally. Maybe it is the steroids kicking in over time. It really doesn't matter how the problem started the issue at hand is that these players are literally locked and loaded and ready to rock n roll is always a bad combination. Mix in a street gang mentality and it's only a matter of time until someone's laying stiff and cold on the ground. Guns are a problem in our everyday society, in the NFL they have become a way of life.  What's the most remarkable thing about this is that the league has been able to continue to wave a flag of marketing heroism, ignoring this problem and avoiding the reality that the victims lives have made so apparent. Steroid use in baseball and other sports is a terrible thing for the integrity of the games, but it's not a life and death result when things go wrong. I'd rather have steroids running through my veins then lead running through my body. The NFL cannot hide anymore. Criminal records and gun possession should not be part of a prospects resume, the NFL needs to enforce stricter background checks and personal interviews to eliminate some of these issues before other people die. Coaches, General Managers, and owners need to take responsibility for this epidemic. Gifted athletes have always been given a pass, passing on this issue now, only means more funerals.

The Blind Reality

When did our society begin to lose its grip on common sense and start to let reality become a secondary factor in our lives. That specific date could be hard to pinpoint but it's clearly on exhibit at Wimbledon with its current tournament seedings on display. As a society we have become dependent on computers for information , data and other technological information that helps us  evolve technologically to a supposed better place. That is all fine and good to a point  but when we allow  computers to make  the decisions strictly on binary numbers in their database as a society we are in big trouble. The movie "Fail Safe " was a example how life threatening letting computers make our decisions and run our lives can be. I understand a tennis tournaments seedings is not a life or death situation or even something that people should possibly stress over but it still is an example of have ludicrous computers can make our reality.  Rafael Nadal just won the French Open  by beating the top player in the world Djokovic. He is clearly one of the top two players in the world and has been for a number of years but because he hasn't played a full schedule  because of injury and his point total in the computer is not at the top level he was seeded 5th in the tournament. Two of the people he beat in the French Open to win the title  are seeded  ahead of him, in particular the person he beat in the semi's and in the finals. The best match of the tournament and in  essence what could be considered the finals very likely could be played as a quarter final match. This does a disservice to the players  , the patrons, the sponsors  ,  and the tournament in general. It also represents and un even playing field and ultimately makes the credibility of the tournament  a joke.. Computers are our friends they are not supposed to be our masters. The tail is not supposed to wag the dog. Not to digress too far but maybe the BCS National Championship game would have been competitive and not a joke competitively if the people in charge were not controlled by the computer rankings.. Enough said now I have to let my computer help me send this to you.